Oh no! Your old friend, Madame Tuft, has been murdered while hosting her annual dinner party! You must put your detective skills to work to find the guilty party.

Knowing the party started promptly at 7:30 and the body was found at 10:00, there are five half-hour segments of time that each guest could have been at any location.

Based on previous dinner parties, you know each individual has a set of patterns they adhere to. Use these rules to determine who is acting out of pocket. If a guest is exhibiting their murder rules, they are possibly guilty.

You must determine the murderer, the time of the murder, and the location of the murder. You have until midnight to interview the other guests and make your decision!



ESC - toggle pause menu

TAB - toggle journal/rules

Click on guests to speak to them

Flip the journal to see the rules

Click 'DONE' to finish a round

Click 'SKIP' to jump to the meeting

Left Click on journal entries to change the location

Right Click on journal entries to add a detail

Shift + Left Click on a journal entry to make your decision during the meeting

Ctrl + Left Click on a journal entry to clear the location and the detail

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